This page last changed on Jan 13, 2009.

Oracle Data Service Integrator Documentation > Data Services Developer's Guide

How To Configure the Retail Dataspace Sample Application

This topic describes how to set up the Retail Dataspace Sample Application after completing the installation of Oracle Data Service Integrator.


A prerequisite to configuring the retail dataspace sample application is to have the Workshop for WebLogic installed on a supported platform.

About Workshop for WebLogic and Eclipse

This tutorial uses the version of Eclipse that is installed with Oracle Data Service Integrator.

The Eclipse framework often provides multiple ways of achieving same result. In many cases there is no "correct" or "better" way. In other words, there are often many paths to the same results.

Start Workshop for WebLogic 

Open the Workshop for WebLogic using the following Windows Start menu command:

Start > All Programs > Oracle WebLogic > Workshop for WebLogic

Select a Workspace

Oracle Data Service Integrator projects are called dataspace projects. These projects in turn are located in a workspace folder.

The first step in creating a dataspace is to select a workspace.

  1. Use the default location:


  2. Click OK.

If this is the first time you have opened Workshop for WebLogic, the Oracle Data Service Integrator Welcome screen appears.

In the Install Sample Application section click on:

Retail Dataspace Sample
Retail Dataspace Sample Dialog

Make sure your domain changed from the Workshop sample domain to the Oracle Data Service Integrator samples domain, as shown in the steps in the table below.

Configure the Oracle Data Service Integrator-enabled Server Environment

Some simple domain server configuration is required. These steps are described in the following table. (The path information in the table below may be truncated in your browser. Click and select to view the entire path.

Configuring Actions
Step Dialog Field
1. Retail Database Sample -
Server Configuration
Server runtime: click Installed Runtimes...
2. Installed Server Runtime Environments   click Add...  
New Server Runtime Type of runtime:
select Oracle WebLogic Server v10.3

Define a WebLogic Runtime WebLogic Home:

Browse For Folder Folder
locate and select the WebLogic home directory:

Define a WebLogic Runtime  

Installed Server Runtime Environments  

Retail Dataspace Sample -
Server Configuration
Domain home:

The Workshop domain is to be replaced by the Oracle Data Service Integrator sample domain.
Browse For Folder
Select domain home Locate and click on the Oracle Data Service Integrator Sample domain:

13. Retail Dataspace Sample -
Server Configuration

Workspace is built (this may take a few minutes).

Your server should now be properly configured for Oracle Data Service Integrator and ready to be started.

Start the Server

An Oracle Data Service Integrator-enabled server is a version of Oracle WebLogic Server with additional functionality to support Oracle Data Service Integrator deployment and runtime. The Oracle Data Service Integrator server must be running in order to access sample data and to deploy your project.

To start your server from Workshop for WebLogic:

  1. Locate the Servers window. If it isn't visible, use the following option command:
    Window > Show View > Servers
  2. In the Server window locate Oracle WebLogic Server v 10.3@localhost (this may be the only server listed). Its status is: stopped.
  3. Right-click on the server name and select Start. (The start-up operation can take several minutes.) Notice the running log of server startup actions in the Console window.
    Server Window

  4. After your project has automatically deployed (assuming default settings of Workshop for WebLogic), the dataspace deployment status dialog is displayed. Click:

See Also

Document generated by Confluence on Jan 13, 2009 15:57